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Determines the value of a Uniswap V3 Position, then assigns that value to the balanceOf() of a given vaults UniV3CollateralToken balance.


function initialize(INonfungiblePositionManager _nfpManager, address _factoryV3) public initializer {
nfpManager = _nfpManager;
FACTORY_V3 = _factoryV3;



  • function currentValue() external pure override returns (uint256)
    • hard coded to return 1e18 to satisfy IOracleRelay interface.
  • function getValue(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (uint256)
    • returns the value of a given tokenId in USDI terms (1e18)
  • function verifyPool(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (VerifyData memory)
    • determine the pool has been registered, and if so, return the data associated with the given position id tokenId
  • function registerPool(IUniV3Pool pool, IOracleRelay _token0Oracle, IOracleRelay _token1Oracle) external onlyOwner
    • allows governance to register new pools, oracles are needed for each underlying asset