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Uniswap v3 Oracle Relay


The Uniswap v3 oracle relay contract returns a price for a specified pool. At launch, this contract is used as the anchor relay for the AnchorViewRelay.

More information on the oracle system is available in Concepts.

Secondary contracts

  • IUniswapV3PoolDerivedState & TickMath to get pool info and handle the math involved.


uint32 lookback,
address pool_address,
bool quote_token_is_token0,
uint256 mul,
uint256 div
  • lookback: how far back to get tick data from.
  • pool_address: the address of the Uniswap v3 pool.
  • quote_token_is_token0: a boolean check if the quote token is token0. If so, we need to flip the pricing around. For exmaple, this comes in handy for ETH/USDC vs USDC/ETH markets.
  • mul: For scaling the price to report in 1e18 terms.
  • div: For scaling the price to report in 1e18 terms.


  • function currentValue() external view override returns (uint256)
    • Is an external function that calls getLastSecond() which is a private functions.
  • function getLastSecond() private view returns (uint256 price)
    • Calls the pool address for observatation data and uses the data to compute the current price. A hardcoded tickTimeDifference is used to get time weighted price average.